Tag Archives: get a man’s attention

Summer Loving: Be Sure to Read “Have the Relationship You Want” By Rori Raye

In a city like New York where women outnumber men 8 to 1, it’s easy to get into a relationship rut. Sometimes, a penthouse apartment overlooking Central Park with a closet filled to the brim with Chanel can seem more attainable than a man. It seems that for women in NYC, a man just may be the only accessory we don’t have.  Luckily, according Rori Raye’s book Have the Relationship You Want, with the right attitude, knowledge, and desire, you can land exactly the relationship you want. I’ve never really been into self-help, but Have the Relationship You Want, really makes some excellent points proving that common sense just may not be so common. Author, Rori Raye, is a trained relationship coach who has been married for over 20 years. She considers her successful marriage her biggest credential.  However, Rori admits that she used to use all the wrong tactics to attract men.  Now she is sharing her secrets so that everyone can experience the same love and happiness she has.

Have the Relationship You Want encourages readers to seek confidence in themselves and to know exactly what they want, but never to expect to be in full control when it comes to love.  In other words, in order to reclaim love or claim it for the first time, you must first reclaim yourself.  Once changes happen on the inside, they will naturally happen on the outside.  Even small changes can make a huge difference.  What really resonated with me about this book was the revelation that it’s a myth that love and relationships need to be hard work.  One you’ve grown to know yourself, set boundaries, and found a partner you can work with, love should come easily.

To learn more tricks to having the relationship you want, subscribe to Rori’s free e-newsletter. You’ll discover a whole new way to relate to a man – from the moment you meet him, all the way through commitment and marriage – so that you finally have the secure, loving, lasting relationship you’ve always wanted.  Purchase a copy of the Have the Relationship You Want ebook on her website.

This is a sponsored post, but the opinions are all my own.