Tag Archives: dating

Match.com Studies Singles in America

Singles in America Match.com

When Carrie Bradshaw wrote freelance at Vogue in an episode of Sex and the City she once proclaimed to her overly critical editor that she may not know men, but she certainly knows shoes.  All over the world, there are countless women who feel the exact same way.  For millions of years, humans have been trying to make sense of the complex world of love and we don’t seem to be any closer to understanding relationships.  For the third year in a row, Match.com surveyed thousands of men and women throughout the country and compiled a study on how Americans today really perceive dating, relationships, and of course the casual hook up.  The sample was chosen was based on the U.S. Census and included 5,000 single men and women as well as 1,000 married people.  They included people from every age, race, ethnic background, and area of the country.

Over the weekend, I attended a Match.com event on the Upper West Side where the online dating site’s very own cultural anthropologist,  Dr. Helen Fisher, who conducted the study presented her findings over cocktails. I must say that the findings were incredibly powerful and unexpected.  Though Americans seem to be experimenting more than ever, the overwhelming majority of both men and women ultimately still want a committed monogamous relationship.  The study even showed that men on average tend to be more romantic than women, fall in love faster, and want to move in together sooner.  However, what Dr. Fisher thought was the most interesting of her findings was that the modern-day “Friends with Benefits” phenomenon seems to have become a new and important part of the courtship process.  In fact, 50% of the singles surveyed who said they had been in a friends with benefits relationship, said that it resulted in a deeper relationship.  Click here to check out the rest of the study and have an amazing Valentine’s Day.

This is a sponsored post, but the opinions are all my own. 

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Date Safely This Fall With A Second Mobile Number From MyAKA

You don’t need to be a socialite or a celebrity to have your share of stalkers.  In Manhattan alone, the bars are filled with shady characters that I’d never dream of giving my actual number to.  Why is it that it’s always the guys you don’t want to ask for your number that always do?  Though the dating world is a place where you can meet interesting people, it’s also full of creeps, stalkers, and crazies.  Sadly, most of us don’t always realize just how insane the majority of people we meet at the bars are until after numbers have been exchanged and you’re experiencing serial texts and/or been made to pay for your own drinks on your first and last date with some loser you’d rather forget.

MyAKA is a service that issues anonymous mobile numbers to protect the privacy of daters and non-daters alike.   It works with your current cell with no downloads, apps, or Wi-Fi required, protecting in-coming and out-going texts, and even allows you to block abusive/annoying contacts.  MyAKA works with your current phone and phone number as two numbers in one.  The second number uses your local area code allowing real number protection on incoming and outgoing calls unlike forwarding services.  The assigned number is not linked to user information in any way and offers full voice and text message support in the United States and Canada.  The service also offers a FREE 7-day trial, easy number blocking and unblocking, along with a Do Not Disturb feature which sends calls to voicemail and stores text messages when enabled so you’re not annoyed by constant unwanted calls and texts.  Give MyAKA a try to keep the crazies at an arm’s length.

I know what you’re thinking.  A 7 Day FREE Trial?!  What’s the catch?  None.  With this special offer for my readers you can enjoy seven worry-free days of flirting with MyAKA, without even entering your credit card! And when you decide to keep the service, you can upgrade your number in two easy steps at the MyAKA site.  It’s as simple as that to date safely this fall.   Signup today for a fun second mobile number with no-strings-attached.

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post, but the opinions are my own. 

6 Must-Read Online Dating Lessons

With the exception of its disappointingly complicated dating scene, NYC has the best of everything.  So even a socialite can use all the help she can get.  When people finally find dating success, it’s always customary to pay it forward with priceless advice.  One of Sparkology’s success stories recently released the top 6 lessons she learned that are bound to turn the nightmare of online dating into a dream come true.

Lesson #1: Make sure your profile truly reflects you
Your profile is a very limited snapshot of who you are; but, as a potential date’s only view, you want to make sure that it is a good and honest depiction. This could seem like a daunting task, so don’t be afraid to get help and second opinions. Bouncing your profile off a good platonic male friend can be invaluable – he’ll offer you insight into what your target audience is looking for and how your profile comes across.

Lesson #2: Go ahead and send a smile or two
As I come from a very conservative background, the idea of “making the first move” by sending a smile made me really nervous. However, I’ve learned that if you see a guy that really sparks your interest, you have nothing to lose by sending him a smile. Thinking about it from a male perspective, wouldn’t you be really nervous about sending a spark (Sparkology’s term for message) to someone with the possibility of being rejected? He may not have seen your profile yet, and sending a smile will let him know that you’re interested. I have done this a couple of times, and ended up with really sweet and excited responses. And it’s not like I had to make the first move ALL the time – the guys took the lead in asking me out and setting up the date after I sent the initial smile.

Lesson #3: Give the guy that spent a spark on you a shot
Despite Lesson #2, any guy that makes the first move by sending a spark on you gets extra kudos. (Ahem to any of the gents out there!) He must have been nervous sending that initial message, so unless he completely turns you off, you should really give him a chance with a first date. You have nothing to lose and never know until you meet someone in person. Wouldn’t you want the same consideration if the shoe were on the other foot?

Lesson #4: If it doesn’t look like the conversation’s going offline any time soon, you may want to reconsider
I learned this lesson the hard way after a month of seemingly great messaging back and forth with a guy in the hopes of meeting in person for a date. “Scheduling conflicts” kept getting in the way, and a final message seemed to go off into space. Though this was certainly not a pleasant experience, the definite lesson learned was that if it doesn’t look like you’re going to meet in person some time soon, it could be a red flag. Based on feedback from my best guy friend, guys are usually pretty impatient to meet a girl after a bit of good back-and-forth messaging.

Lesson #5: Go in with the right mindset
My first couple of dates, I was super-nervous about whether or not I was acting like a girl my date would like. This was the most counterproductive thing I could have done – it prevented me from carrying a good conversation and being myself. Even though I can’t say that I don’t still get nervous, I’ve learned that the date goes much more smoothly if I try to turn that anxiety into excitement. A date is a great opportunity to meet someone new and interesting, not a test on whether you can meet someone’s expectations.

Lesson #6: It’s okay if he wasn’t Mr. Right
For whatever reason, you and your date may not end up being compatible. It doesn’t mean that something’s wrong with either of you. It just means you didn’t click romantically. I’ve been on both ends of the stick – the one no longer interested and the one my date’s no longer interested – and both feel crummy. If you’re the one being let down, your feelings will be a bit hurt, but it isn’t any indication of you as a person. It also feels bad if you’re the one doing the letting down, but definitely don’t ignore the guy and leave him hanging. You will probably be on the other side of the stick at some point, and would like the same courtesy extended to you. But as bad as both scenarios feel, you’re giving each other the chance you deserve to find someone who’s completely nuts about you.

Many thanks to Chrissy for sharing her amazing dating advice with Aspiring Socialite! 

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day to all of my wonderful fans and readers!  I must say that I truly love you and your support of the Aspiring Socialite movement. Thank you for joining me in showing the world that there is nothing wrong with loving the finer things in life, even if they are completely out of your price range.  Speaking of the finer things, even if you are not in a relationship, who doesn’t want the perfect engagement ring for Valentine’s Day?  Being both sparkly and symbolic, there is no doubt in my mind that an engagement ring is the ultimate accessory.

The best engagement rings are noticeable, not oversized.  One must be able to look at it and know it is an engagement ring within seconds.  It is the responsiblity of the ring to announce your engagement before you do.  Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t need to be 20 carats to do so.  Emma Bunton, the pop star formally known as Baby Spice, received one of the most impressive engagement rings a few weeks ago when longtime boyfriend, Jade Jones, proposed to her a few weeks ago on her 35th Birthday.  In honor of the occasion Emma tweeted, “Yahooooo I’m Engaged! Love you Jade! I’m a very happy lady!”  Paired with this lovely picture of her and the ring, it was the tweet that shook the dating world.