How to Wrap a Holiday Gift Like a Pro

Christmas Gifts

I’m really not domestic at all, but I may be one of the few people in the world who actually loves to wrap presents. I know it sounds crazy, but sometimes I even ask people to give me their gifts so I can wrap them. There’s just something relaxing about watching a holiday special and wrapping gifts in front of the TV.

For those of you doing last minute wrapping on Christmas Eve, here’s the secret formula my Mom taught me for wrapping the perfect gift. The trick is really to keep the edges straight and adhere the paper as close as you can to the gift to give it a clean look.

Step 1:

Gift Wrapping

Take the amount of paper you need from the roll (more is better than less) and tape it securely to the middle of the back of the box.

Tip: Boxes are always easiest wrap. In recent years, stores have gotten stingy with boxes so save your boxes and reuse them from year to year. 

Step 2:

gift wraping

Cut the excess paper off the other side if needed, fold the edge over about an inch for a straight edge and tape toward the middle. Make sure it’s taped tight around the package, but not so tight that you tear the paper.

Step 3:

how to wrap a gift

Fold the edges down as far as you can and cut them down as needed. You may even want to cut them before folding them down if they are very long.

Step 4:

gifts santa

Fold the bottom edge up until it’s around 3/4 of the way to the other end and tape it down on both ends to hold it taunt.

Step 5:

Christmas gift wrapping

Fold the top edge over to make it straight and fold it over until it’s around 3/4 of the way to the end. Tape it and do the same on the other side.

Step 6:

North Pole

Admire your perfect edge and feel free to add bows, ribbons and more.

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  • hi

    Question: Do you have to do it with the lights off? That seems counterproductive as I am blind in one eye.

  • bye

    Another Question: Which newspaper is best to use the The Daily Beagle or the Gotham Times?

  • Good bye

    Last question: Did you get me something good?