Tag Archives: Sept. 11th

My Visit to the 9/11 Memorial – Never Forget

September 11, 2001, began as a normal day in high school for me.  I was nervous and still getting used to this new chapter of my life. It was picture day so I spent the better part of the morning stressing out about my outfit and makeup. After years of awkward school pictures, I wanted a class picture that I wouldn’t be embarrassed to see immortalized in the yearbook.  Little did I know that in just a few hours, my hair and outfit would be the least of the world’s problems.

When I stepped into my English class the TV was on. Which was strange considering we weren’t planning on watching a movie that day.  In fact we weren’t having class at all, we were headed down to the auditorium that class period for our pictures.  The teacher looked terrified as he told us that something horrible had happened in New York.  A plane had hit one of the Twin Towers.  As we walked down to the auditorium, we talked among ourselves trying to figure out what was going on.  Once our pictures were taken and we went back to class to wait for the bell, the second tower had been hit.  From then on, that day at school was complete chaos.  Teachers cried and crazy couples made out in the hallways. The only thing that was normal was that we changed classes when the bell rang.  At one point, I even ran out of class with another girl and somehow ended up on the baseball field.  Lunch was cancelled along with all after school activities.  I got home and planted myself in front of the TV waiting for the rest of my family to come home.  At that moment as a I sat there having no idea what to do or what would come next, I realized that nothing would ever truly be the same after today.

Little did I know, that 10 years later I would be calling New York City my home. I am proud to say that I live in the most resilient city in the world.  They have done such a wonderful job on the 9/11 Memorial.  I recommend you go see it.  The two never-ending waterfalls representing the fallen towers complete with the names of all the victims, create quite a powerful effect.  Lined with oak trees, the memorial also has a sense of dignity and beauty.  The pools reflect the buildings in the distance making us look to the future without forgetting the past.

To plan your own visit to the 9/11 Memorial visit the 9/11 Memorial Website.  Tickets should be purchased in advance.