Deadly Cocktails at Times Scare!

New York can be a scary place. In the few years I’ve lived here, I’ve had enough experiences with general and criminal insanity to give me quite a socialite scare. But, for some reason I keep coming back for more. I should really start writing a book just of New York stories. Over the weekend, I made a spontaneous Saturday afternoon visit with Cocktail Chic to Times Scare, a haunted attraction off of Times Square where it’s Halloween 365 days a year.  The bars inside look like the sets of two distinct horror movies.  For the right clothing line, this could be the perfect venue for a fashion shoot.

Living directly off Times Square in Hell’s Kitchen, I’ve walked by this place hundreds of times, but always shrugged it off as a tourist attraction not worthy of my now native New Yorker attention.  However, being a huge fan of horror movies and spontaneity, Ashley and I decided to go in and have a drink on a whim.  At first glance of the delightfully creepy decor, we realized that Times Scare was the place to be for a bloody-looking cocktail on a Saturday afternoon.  We’ll be back for another killer cocktail long before the zombie apocalypse.

The Kill Room – Party at your own risk!

Killer candelabras in The Kill Room

Inside The Parlour of the Paranormal


Creepy mirror with a reflection of the Parlour of the Paranormal bar