Being in the Right Place at the Right Time

Often the most successful people in both careers and relationships are not the smartest, the most attractive, or the most talented, but were simply in the right place at the right time. Finding success in anything is not all that different from attempting to be discovered as an actor or actress. In many ways, an aspiring socialite is to New York what an aspiring actor is to Hollywood. What do you do as a performer looking for your big break? Go on as many auditions as possible with the intention of wowing everyone.

Everyday is an audition for the movie we call life. Though you can never be certain if you will be cast as the fabulous leading lady or simply an extra, you can up your odds of being the prima donna by never turning down an invitation. Put your doubts and need for rest aside and sleep when your dead. Spend the night on the town when you planned on a night in or go that after party when all you want to do is go home and sleep. A missed opportunity is potentially a missed success. Don’t wonder 50 years from now what might have been. Never turn down an invitation.