Tag Archives: New York Socialite

Why Be a Socialite?

Everybody knows that being a New York socialite is far superior to climbing the city’s unforgiving corporate ladder. There is simply no comparison when you look at a typical day in the life of a socialite next to one of your average young professional. Perhaps, it is time you started climbing the gilded social ladder instead of the rocky corporate one because the life of a socialite has no glass ceiling. Discovering your socialite alter ego is one thing, but becoming one is quite another.

A Typical Day in the Life of a Young Professional:
7:45 a.m: Sadly, it’s wake up time. Maybe you shouldn’t have had that extra martini last night because it is only making it that much harder to get out of bed.

8:40 a.m: Wait in line at the Starbucks around the corner from your office for a much needed coffee fix.
9:05 a.m: Run to get through building security in the lobby because that coffee line just made you 10 minutes late.
9:15 a.m: Race through the doors of your office and smile at your CEO. Both corporate and social ladder climbers need to get in good with the powerful.
10:00 a.m: Catch up on endless emails and client calls
11:35 a.m: Second coffee run of the day
12:45 p.m: Lunch meeting with the boss and co-workers to go over something you already went over.
2:00 p.m: Crunch numbers and put together a solid plan that is sure to get you promoted or at least get you a bonus.
3:05 p.m: Still writing up the plan. Time to make a chart.
4:00 p.m: Pick out the best template for your Power Point presentation
6:15 p.m: Time to leave the office for some much needed yoga
8:00 p.m: Eat and relax in your tiny 5th floor Manhattan walk-up and get ready to do it all over again tomorrow.

A Typical Day in the Life of a New York Socialite:

11:00 a.m: Wake up rested in your tastefully decorated penthouse
12:00 a.m: Hit the gym with your girlfriends and your personal trainer
1:30 p.m: Meet with your publicist and the show’s PR team to plan out your appearance on a major television program.
2:15 p.m: Pick up a new eye kit at the Bloomingdales makeup counter. You then decide to pick out a new Fendi bag while you are there.
3:30 p.m: It’s off to hair and makeup followed by a photo shoot with your fav photographer.
5:00 p.m: Stop by your stylist’s office to get fitted for a dress for the next charity event.
6:00 p.m: Downtime
9:00 p.m: Get ready for a hot high profile date consisting of dinner, clubbing, and a spur of the moment trip to the Hamptons bound to make it onto Perez Hilton.