Tag Archives: Greeting Cards

Time to Send Christmas Cards!

When it comes to getting into the holiday spirit, there’s nothing better than sending or receiving a beautiful holiday greeting card. While Twitter and Instagram may be the perfect places to express yourself throughout the year, you should do something extra extraordinary over the holidays and send a good old fashioned card.

papyrus Bella Pilar Christmas Card

Photo by: Zarif Taufiq

As print and physical mail start becoming a thing of the past, it’s rare and special to receive an actual piece of mail that isn’t a bill. Plus it’s super fun and retro to go to the post office.

So go ahead and show your friends and family some holiday love with a card that expresses your unique personality, your city or whatever else makes you merry. Any warm greeting whether it be Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, etc. is sure to make someone smile even if they don’t celebrate it themselves. Don’t get caught up in feeling the need to keep everything generic. Just say what you want to say. Most people don’t care and those who do don’t belong on your holiday list.

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