Tag Archives: fashion blogger

Cocktail Attire

dressy summer oufit OOTD

While I love fancy cocktail parties and getting dressed up to sip champagne at wine bars, I don’t think you need a special occasion to dress up. Dressing up doesn’t have to be expensive either. This look I put together for well under $100 which means I’ll probably spend more on fancy drinks than I did on the outfit.

The dress is from Target, the pumps were a steal from Famous Footwear, the necklace a found on clearance at Nanette Lepore‎ and the clutch is vintage (it was a gift from one of my very best friends). Now that I’ve discovered Elizabeth Arden‘s Beautiful Color Moisturizing Lipstick, I need to start wearing red lipstick more. My favorite shade is “Red to Wear” and I love how the lipstick case looks like Elizabeth Arden’s iconic red door.

Summer Style Fashion

how to accessorize a summer dress

NYC Fashion Blogger

vintage purse

summer fashion NYC fashion blogger

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Ivy League

Fashion Blogger NYC

In honor of the first semi-warm day of the year, I broke out my favorite Michael Kors skirt and Target button up and  paired them with a pair of black stockings and a fab pair of ankle boots. When I came across a few ivy covered houses in Midtown, I new it was the perfect place to photograph this dressy casual look.

Wondering about the puppy? His name is Bennett (@pombennett) and he belongs to my friend Alex (sheisred.com) who took these pictures after a delicious Sunday brunch.

New York City Fashion Blogger Cute Puppy

Fashion Blogger Cute Puppy

NYC Fashion Blogger

Puppy Love

Find me on: Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram

T-Shirt Time!

T-Shirts Style Fashion

If you’re in your twenties, chances are you remember the era of the graphic tee. I can still remember sporting them in high school with a fab pair of jeans and feeling completely casual chic. Shortly into college, however, my graphic tees were replaced with equally fun sorority t-shirts and more sophisticated looks.

Now, I’m begining to be drawn to the allure of the t-shirt again. While some fashion statements are subtle, t-shirts make a very obvious statement. Depending on your mood, an obvious statement can be very welcome. So I’m adding these fab statement tees to my shopping list.

1. Private Party Champagne Campaign Sweatshirt in Gray  2. New Look Grey Fashion Blogger Slogan T-Shirt  3. Boohoo Kelly Osbourne Charity Slogan Tee

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I’ve Got Sunshine!


The greatest honor as a blogger, is to be recognized by a fellow blogger. So when Tiffany Khyla who I met after joining the HerCampus blogger network nominated me for a Sunshine Award, a blogger to blogger award dedicated to those who bring sunshine into another blogger’s days, I couldn’t be more excited! The rules are to acknowledge the blogger who nominated you, share 11 random facts about yourself, list 11 bloggers, post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate, and let them know they have been nominated. So here I go spreading more sunshine to the fellow bloggers in my life.

11 Random Facts About Me:

1. I’m an Irish/Latina

2. I love horror movies

3. I live in Manhattan and love it

4. I’m originally from Wilmington, DE

5.  Zack Morris from Saved by the Bell was my first crush

6. My blog was inspired by the 2008 financial crisis

7. I’m a vegetarian

8. I have the same birthday as Beyonce (September 4th)

9. I wore braces for three years

10. Someday I would like Mila Kunis to play me in a movie

11. Even though I’m a fashion blogger, I still have trouble walking in heels

My Answers to Tiffany’s Questions:

1. What is your favorite thing about autumn?

Halloween!! I love dressing up and spending hours watching horror films!

2. What will you be doing for Thanksgiving this year?

Visiting family in New Hampshire

3. Talk about one of your favorite memories.

Moving into my college dorm and starting a new and exciting chapter in my life was amazing! Almost all my memories of college were amazing. I miss my time at Syracuse.

4. Who is the most influential person in your life?

My mother is awesome! We talk on the phone almost everyday and she comes in see me in New York once a month.

5. If you had to be an animal for a day, what animal would you be?

I would so be a dolphin! It would be so fun to jump around in the water for a day.

6. What would you do if there was nothing to hold you back from doing it?

Travel the world in high style! And blog about it of course…

7. What is one accomplishment that you’re very proud of?

Getting my first full time job and apartment in New York.

8. What is your favorite book?

The Virgin Suicides

9. If you could meet one celebrity today, who would you meet?

Kate Middleton hands down!

10. What is one movie character you would like to be for a day?

Cher from Clueless!

11. What is your favorite thing about your blog?

My favorite thing about my blog is the people I’ve met and the connections I’ve made through blogging.

My Nominees:

The Budget Babe

Streets & Stripes

Ramshackle Glam

Fashion Wrap Up

Princess Diane von Brainisfried

House of Harper

Sydne Style

Midtown Girl

Divas and Dorks

Pretty Connected

Some Kind of Style 

Questions for my Nominees:

1. What inspired you to start your blog?

2. What’s your favorite movie?

3. If you could be a fictional character for the day who would you be?

4. What would you do if you were a socialite?

5. What’s the best place you’ve ever visited?

6. What was the first concert you went to?

7. If you could sit front row at any designer’s runway show, whose would it be?

8. Who is your celebrity crush?

9. What’s your favorite spa service?

10. What’s your all time favorite show?

11. Tell me a funny story…

Find me on: Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram

Win Fabulous Prizes By Answering My Style Questions on Romio.com

Now that New York Fashion Week has once again come to a bittersweet end, it’s time for a fun Fashion’s Night In on Romio.com, a website that connects people around their interests in the neighborhoods where they live, work and play.  For inside information on every neighborhood, you can follow tips from your friends, local businesses, and local experts.  As a stylish NYC Fashion Blogger, I’ve been asked to help lead the conversation on Romio on NYC style.

In the spirit of fashion, I’ve posted 4 pivotal questions for every NYC fashionista on Romio and I want to hear your answers.  The blogger with the most answers will win a photo shoot with Alain Aguilar (Latin Vogue).  But, there’s something in it for you too!  2 lucky participants (1 girl, 1 guy) will win a fashion swag bag filled with goodies from Amrita Singh, Smith & Chang, LeRoy Jenkins LTD, Skinny Vinny, Deen Shop, Ralph Lauren, and more!  The more questions you answer, the more points you will earn.

Click to answer my NYC style questions on Romio & get 5 points for every answer:

What’s the one accessory a New York Girl can’t live without?

Heels or flats?

With the weather getting cooler, what are you most excited to wear again this fall?

What celebrity influences your personal style the most?

Thanks so much for your answers!  Hope you win the fashion swag bag!

Here are the fab prizes you can win just by sharing your style advice on Romio.com: