Tag Archives: dieting

Keeping Up With the Socialite Lifestyle: Staying Energized

We’re all familiar with the feeling of pure exhaustion. As an Aspiring Socialite, that feeling becomes inevitable when you’re constantly gallivanting from shows, meetings and parties. Luckily, this socialite has a few official yet humorous tips to stay energized in this fast paced world.

moringaMy number one go-to quick fix when I’m running around like a mad-woman is…yes… coffee. A Venti Latte from Starbucks, to be precise. Starbucks coffee is the strongest coffee I know and therefore the main brand of caffeine I resort to. However, the reason why I suggest you drink a latte is because of that small dose of protein intake. Protein is a “macronutrient”, which means that the body needs a relatively large amount of it. The body does not store protein and therefore can’t draw the nutrient from a reservoir when the body is lacking it. So it is necessary to intake protein whenever you can.

Having a balanced diet is extremely important as well. A daily balanced diet includes a combination of plenty of fruits and vegetables, starchy foods including bread, rice, potatoes and pasta and proteins including eggs, beans and dairy. You must also drink about eight glasses of water a day (that dirty-martini does not count). Don’t ever skip breakfast! This first meal is literally the fuel that gets you ready for the day. Those who eat breakfast are known to have more energy and do better at work overall. Those who skip it tend to be irritable and tired. So go ahead and have that egg sandwich with your Venti Latte.

Third, it is recommended that you take a daily multi-vitamin to keep you healthy and balanced. Vitamins, when taken overtime become stored within the body, thus your body will use the fuel from those nutrients that are already stored whenever necessary. Moreover, Magnesium is particularly important when it comes to your energy, so make sure that this is included in the multi-vitamin. Women are advised to take around 300 milligrams and 350 milligrams are recommended for men. A healthy dose of magnesium can also be found in a handful of almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, ran cereal and fish.

I am sure that you have heard of the old expression “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Well, a daily dose of moringa powder, the dried and powdered leaves of the Moringa tree, keeps the doctor at bay. The powder is filled with a number of nutrients, minerals and vitamins and benefits your health entirely. Because of the dense and purest form of nutrients within this plant, the body is able to keep its energy levels up in an effective manner. In other words, sprinkle this stuff on everything.

It’s also important to stay physically active to keep those energy levels up and any stress and anger down. Doing cardio about three times a week is enough for you to feel rejuvenated and mentally stable.

Lastly, get some sleep. Turn off that phone, get under the covers and watch an episode of your favorite show one night a week, followed by at least eight hours of sleep. No one likes to feel exhausted, let alone look exhausted. Remember, the only kind of bags you should ever have are designer bags. Not those under your eyes.

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post, but the opinions are all my own.

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Guest Post: 5 Ways to Look Good and Feel Good About Yourself

Cosmetic Surgery 1

A logical and open minded approach to personal appearance is essential for all of us who want to have a confident and outgoing image. Generally speaking, if we look good we feel good. The two outcomes are inextricably linked and contain the core of happiness and satisfaction. Thankfully, with today’s greater awareness of health and wellness all of us can attain the rewards promised by a well informed healthy lifestyle. The following are five of the best ways to achieving this ideal situation.

1. Sensible Dieting

A sensible diet should never be looked on as a quick-fix solution. The aim should always be to address a food and calorie intake in as sensible a way as possible. This means obtaining some reasonable advice about nutrition and healthy foods, while making firm commitments to stick with the effort. The faddish diets that make unrealistic promises usually fail as they take the whole concept of a diet away from the individual. The important thing should be to learn what works for you and to keep on doing it.

2. Daily Exercise

Along with sensible dieting, an essential for looking and feeling good is a revitalizing routine of daily exercise. This can be perfectly flexible and designed to fit in with an individual’s schedule and activities. The idea of visiting the gym every day does not have to necessarily apply, as a good level of exercise can be applied in the home or on the neighbourhood streets and parks. Aiming for a good 15 minutes of exercise every day can provide a great way to benefit from the natural high of being proactive about your health and personal fitness.

3. Liposuction to Tackle the Stubborn Areas

Occasionally, there are pockets of body fat that are impossible to shift no matter how rigorous the exercise and diet regime are. For those struggling with these troublesome deposits of fat, the expert surgeons of Cosmetics Canada could well have the answer. Their expert deployment of liposuction techniques can remodel and reshape the tummy, leaving a patient a new profile and new confidence. In no way an alternative to a healthy lifestyle, liposuction procedures should be best seen as an option for the hardest to manage parts of the stomach.

4. Facelift for a Younger You

The most advanced facelift procedures fully take into account an individual’s face. Every patient has a unique set of facial features, all of which form the basis for this natural style of assistance. This can often be the best option for everyone looking to remove wrinkles, sagging skin, and facial fat. With the whole procedure and recovery taking far less time than in previous years, a facelift could well be the ideal choice.  A professional facelift carried out by medical professionals can usually take as much as 10-15 years off a patient’s face. This alone can easily provide the incentive to investigate further.

5. A New Look

Making use of a classic style of makeover can often be exactly what is required. Available on every budget, why not hit the high street for a little pampering session at a beauty salon. Alternatively, you could try indulging in a spot of retail therapy. A new outfit or a trendy new hair style can often pave the way to an instant boost to morale and self confidence.

This guest post was written by Serenay Taylor,  freelance writer, journalist and health and wellness blogger.

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The Pros and Cons of Doing a Juice Cleanse

I’ve never done a juice cleanse before, but I’ve been seriously thinking about it for the last few months. When making all major life decisions, it’s always important to weigh the pros and cons. As a young professional in New York, my life is crazy so it’s not always easy to eat healthy. Therefore, I’ve become very interested in the juice cleanse craze. But, wonder if it’s really the diet phenomenon it’s made out to be or just a silly fad.


  • Cold-Pressed Nutrients: Many of the juices used in juice cleanses are cold pressed so they are packed with nutrients. There are many benefits to cold-pressing juices, but the most significant is that the pressing action won’t oxidize the fruit and vegetables like grinders often do keeping the nutrients and enzymes intact. Not boiling the juice also keeps in the optimal amount of nutrients that your body craves. These nutrients are also said to give you extra energy.  
  • Weight Loss: Since permanent and healthy weight loss is based on a lifestyle of exercising and making the right food choices, you shouldn’t do a juice cleanse just to lose weight. However, immediate weight loss is a pleasant side effect.
  • Healthy Eating Reset: All of my friends who love juice cleanses always say that introducing raw foods somehow resets your body into craving healthy nutrient rich foods rather than high-calorie splurges. So once the cleanse is complete it’s easy to continue eating well and losing weight.
  • No Cooking: I don’t know about you, but I’m not a huge fan of cooking. I usually don’t make anything that can’t be prepared in the microwave. So doing a juice cleanse would eliminate cooking altogether giving me a preset menu of delicious juices.


  • Hunger: Though the juices used in most juice cleanses are rich in amazing nutrients, I can only imagine that days of being on a liquid diet can often leave you hungary.  
  • No Drinking: Not only can you not eat on a juice cleanse, drinking anything, but water also must be given up. Like any socialite, I’m going to miss my champagne. Though I love a good cocktail, I think the drink that I would miss the most is coffee.
  • Lack of a social life: Eating isn’t only necessary for survival, it’s also a major social activity. When you’re invited to go out to eat with your friends or co-workers, it’s not going to be fun drinking your juice while everyone else orders rounds of drinks to go with their favorite dishes.
  • Super Expensive: At an average of $65 a day, a juice cleanse is a major investment.


After taking a look at the pros and cons, I’m still very interested in trying a juice cleanse. Diet fad or not, I love the idea of resetting your system with raw cold-pressed nutrients from fruits and vegetables. Since I don’t think I could handle not eating for more than 3 days, I’m looking to do one of the 3-day cleanses from either BluePrintCleanse or Liquiteria. Before committing to a juice cleanse, it’s important to try all the juices first to make sure they taste good. I’ve tried both BluePrintCleanse and Liquiteria and can tell you that they are both delicious.

In order to avoid the temptation to break my cleanse early, I’m going to pick a weekend to do it where I don’t have anything going on. As long as you time the cleanse well avoiding holidays, birthdays, or vacation getaways, a juice cleanse is absolutely worth trying. Though a juice cleanse isn’t good to do during a wedding or vacation it’s great to do one before to give you some extra energy and a slimmer look. Even if you decided that a full juice cleanse isn’t for you, you can still be part of the juice craze by drinking a juice as a meal replacement or with a healthy meal to take in the nutrients.

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Kelly Bensimon on Her New Book “I Can Make You Hot!” & Being a Socialite

On my path to being a member of the upper crust, there’s nothing more inspiring than meeting and getting advice from actual socialites living the dream.  At a recent meet and greet with former Real Housewife of New York, Kelly Bensimon, celebrating her new diet and lifestyle book, I Can Make You Hot!, the insight I gained on living a healthy and happy socialite life was impeccable. In the book, the model and mother of two reveals how real models eat, live, and keep their bodies beautiful with healthy foods, sleep, and exercise.  Basically, treat your body right and it will love you back.  

This philosophy makes I Can Make You Hot! one of the most optimistic diet books on the market showing the world that skinny people don’t starve themselves, they just eat the right things and make an effort to always treat their bodies like gold.  There’s even room to splurge.  For Kelly, Sunday is the “Day of Rest” where she is free to eat whatever she desires.  When I asked Kelly about being a vegetarian, she suggested I start eating meat again because lean proteins are an important part of a diet that promotes weight loss.  Though I know I should be eating a better variety of foods, I’m not sure if I’m quite ready yet to add meat into the mix.  But, if a supermodel says it will make me hot, I might consider it.

To win a signed copy of I Can Make You Hot! by the lovely Kelly Killoren Bensimon, comment on this post with the name of your favorite food.   The winner will be chosen at random and contacted by email.  

“If you want to be a socialite, do what you love and always wear high heels,” – Wise words from Kelly Bensimon on achieving the socialite life.

New Year’s Resolution #1: Tip the dating scales in your favor!

If you’re a single socialite looking for love in the big city or just seeking an even hotter red carpet body, The Fresh Diet is the perfect 2012 New Year’s Resolution for you. The Fresh Diet is an incredibly convenient home delivery diet plan that involves no cooking, counting, or cleanup giving you tons of time to shop for new skinny clothes and read about the latest fashions/society trends on the Internet. Here’s how it works: Once you choose a plan and select your meal preferences, your meals are cooked fresh by expert healthy gourmet chefs using premium ingredients and delivered directly to your door daily. It’s almost like having a personal chef. Seeing that socialites are always eating out or ordering in and cooking for yourself went out of style in the mid 1960s, this is the perfect diet for the Aspiring Socialite lifestyle.

Start today and tip the dating scales in your favor simply by eating fresh made to order meals and delicious snacks.  The 31 Day Slim Solution Plan ($29.99 per day) includes 3 days of free food, a free 6-day supply of Hint Premium Essence Water, and a free fitness DVD from Jessica Smith.  If you’re not ready to commit to 31 days of The Fresh Diet, they also offer a 14 Day Quick Start Plan for $32.99 per day and a 21 Day Habit Changer for 30.99 per day.  For those like me who are always on the run and/or hate to cook, The Fresh Diet makes eating and preparing the right foods the easiest part of your weight loss routine.  We’ve all been on those pesky diet plans where you have to count points or write everything down that you ate.  To me, that sounds more like balancing your checkbook than dieting.  Lucky for you, it doesn’t get any easier than The Fresh Diet.  Now, if only it were possible for someone to work out for you.

It’s time sexy socialite singles everywhere hit the dating scene renewed and refreshed with America’s favorite home diet delivery service.

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post, but the opinions are all my own.